Poker raise mindestens big blind

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And this, my friends, is where the game is going. I remember the good old days too, when people defended their big blind with 20% of hands and you could min-raise any two and print money. But people are becoming more and more sticky from the big blind and learning to play back at those min-raises.

Ten Big Blinds and Under. Poker is real easy now. With this stack, you can play unexploitable poker.This is because six big blinds is about as low as you can go and still expect people to fold to your raises. Once you fall below that number, people begin to call very loosely—often with any two... 7 Reasons to Defend Your Poker Big Blind By playing loose in the big blind, especially live, you can often times discourage people from raising hands that would otherwise be profitable!Reason #4: Playing the big blind helps you develop your poker ability. We all know what to do when we have pocket aces, raise and hope that players behind... Blind Stealing Guide | Poker Copilot The big blind will fold most hands to a raise. Generally, you should almost always fold or raise in this situation. I’ve done some calculations over a very large database of handsPoker Copilot has a Blind Stealing leak detector. Use it to find out your blind steal rate, and your take from big blind stealing. Raising in Poker from the Big Blind Position Is it worth raising in poker being the big blind using a pair of AA, or any pair for that matter?Let's say being positioned as the big blind and there are at least 6 players limping in, we may consider raising even if we have a mere suited connectors 7 and 8. It's a better situation if we have a suited...

Poker Spielregeln mit Tipps zum Bluffen. Allgemeine Poker Regeln, mit denen man alle Varianten lernen kann.

Raising in Poker from the Big Blind Position Is it worth raising in poker being the big blind using a pair of AA, or any pair for that matter?Let's say being positioned as the big blind and there are at least 6 players limping in, we may consider raising even if we have a mere suited connectors 7 and 8. It's a better situation if we have a suited... poker - Can the Big Blind Player Post More than the Current…

Definition of Big Blind -

Never raise on big blind? - Tournament Poker - CardsChat™ You have to raise with great hands and get rid of a bunch of callers. Five callers is a disaster for a hand like AA. You can't just limp with something like that. Try raising 2-3Big blinds plus one big blind for each caller and hopefully that narrows the field. Texas Hold em Rules - Poker

If players of the game call the big blind, then an extra chance to raise is given to the big blind. This is commonly known as a live blind. The betting round will end once the live blind checks. Also, it is to be noted that usually the big blind equals to the minimum bet, whereas the small blind is half of the big blind.

Poker Rules - Buttons & Blinds | PokerZone